Are You Summer Body Ready?

Are You Summer Body Ready?

Summer Body Ready

Want to know the secrets to getting Summer Body Ready? It isn’t as hard as everyone thinks it is. With Memorial Day passing, it is the unofficial start to Summer, however don’t let that get you down. We have plenty of time to get you into shape. Many of my clients lose 10-20 pounds of fat in 30 days. I have several clients that have lost over 60 pounds in 4 months!

I’m going to share my secrets with you that I use with my clients.

Consistency is the Most Important Point

Your best baseball hitters swing the bat the same way each time. Your best bowlers have the same approach, and your best golfers have the same swing. Consistency is key to a successful diet and getting Summer Body Ready.  Don’t feel like going to the gym? Good, go to the gym! Don’t feel like eating healthy? Good, get up and cook a healthy meal. Don’t feel like doing cardio, good go for a run! You have to force yourself to be consistent with the practices that will make you Summer Body Ready.

Tom lost 64 pounds in 4 months following this 

A 4 Letter Word You Must Get Used To- DIET

Diets suck. I know. I’ve been there. You must diet to get where you need to be, then make the lifestyle change to stay in shape. Finding the right diet can be tricky, but for the most part it revolves around eating around your BMR (basal metabolic rate) for starters. Your basal metabolic rate, or BMR is the amount of calories you need, at rest, to maintain current weight. Since you are going to be living a more active lifestyle, you will be burning more calories than your BMR, so if you eat your BMR ,you will lose weight.

Protein is Your Best Friend

1st Phorm Level-1 Protein Review

Protein builds lean muscle, lean muscle burns fat at rest, while fat doesn’t. Lean muscle is sexy, while being skin and bones is not. Protein also doesn’t turn to fat as easily as carbs do. Eating a high protein diet is the easiest way to get that Summer body. I suggest eating a minimum of 100 grams of protein a day if trying to lose weight, and at least your body weight in grams of protein if trying to gain muscle. I suggest replacing unhealthy meals with 1st Phorm Level-1 Protein . This super high quality protein is made of slow digesting proteins that mix instantly that will keep you full and taste amazing. Low carb, low fat, and high protein. Click the link above for free shipping!

Low Carb Can Help You Lose Weight Fast!

I normally start off clients with a low carbohydrate diet (under 100 grams per day) to help them start off with some accelerated weight loss. This plan will help them shed water weight fast and help them lose fat fast (definitely combined with working out and high protein).

Cardio with SPRINTS

Instead of staying on the treadmill for 30-60 minutes each day, try sprinting! I suggest sprinting for 30 seconds until you feel like you are going to pass out, then walk/jog for 3 minutes, and repeat. Do this over 15-20 minutes 5 days a week and watch the fat fall off!

Lift Heavy Weights

Don’t be afraid of the weights. Guys and girls who lift weights look better than those who don’t. You will not get bulky if you lift weights while dieting. People get bulky if you eat too many calories and/or take steroids. You get toned if you diet and lift weights. This will help you burn fat even faster, and help you look 10 times better.

Click here for sample workouts! 

Not All Fat Burners are Equal

Before reaching for fat burners, do some research. Don’t take fat burners if you have high blood pressure, nursing/pregnant, thyroid issues, or other health conditions before talking to your doctor. I only recommend 1st Phorm’s Royal 21 King System, Royal 21 Queen System, and GDA.

Royal 21 King System Free Shipping Strong Male Fat Burner that burns fat, increases metabolism, controls cravings, regulates hormones, and helps you sleep.

Royal 21 Queen System Free Shipping Strong Female Fat Burner that burns fat, increases metabolism, controls cravings, shuts down appetite, regulates hormones, and helps you sleep.

Glucose Disposal Agent (GDA) Free Shipping Blocks carbs



If you follow these steps, you will have the summer body that you want!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at


Thank you for reading,



Personal Trainer/Sports Nutritionist


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