Do it at home workout- Updated!

Do it at home workout:

Can you really gain muscle and lose fat without going to the gym?-Y-E-S!

90% of getting the body you want is nutrition. This means eating within your diet.

10% is the gym/working out

Dustin & Christina’s Do it at Home Workout:

We separate body parts into three different workouts so that you don’t workout every body part each day. Each workout should take no more than 20 minutes. If you cannot do a complete workout, that’s okay, work yourself up to it.You should still do cardio at least 3-5 days a week, even on workout days. If you have questions ask!

Day 1: Legs

I suggest Christina and Dustin’s famous Booty Workout:

3 sets of walking lunges (10 steps)


3 sets of wall sits (30 seconds)


3 sets of body weight or sumo squats (10 squats)

*Superset means without rest go to the next exercise. So you would do 1 set of Walking Lunges, do 1 set of Wall Sits, do 1 set of Squats. Take a minute break and repeat for 3 times.

Finish the workout with 3 sets of burpees (Try to do 10 burpees).


Day 2: Chest/Triceps/Shoulders

3 sets of push ups/girl pushups/etc. (girl pushups are where you are on your knees doing a pushup, closer knees are to your chest the easier)

3 sets of chair dips (closer you keep your legs to the chair, the easier it is) 10 reps


Three sets of close grip/diamond pushups (keep hands close together) 10 reps

3 sets of wide grip pushups (hands wide apart) 10 reps

3 sets of lateral raises with weight (this can be real weights, or something that weighs a few pounds, you can do it one arm at a time if you only have one weight).  10 reps

Image result for lateral raises at home


Finish the workout with 3 sets of 10 burpees

Day 3: Back/Biceps


Twists (hold something out in front of you, and twist slowly from left to right for 30 seconds) 3 sets


Reverse Snow Angels: How to: Position yourself facedown on the ground with arms at your sides and palms facing down. Peel your shoulders and hands a few inches off the ground by pinching your scapula together and engaging your lats and rhomboids in your mid-back (a). Keeping your head facing down, in a slow, controlled motion, bring your arms up past your shoulders and up to your ears until your thumbs meet directly above your head (b). Then, bring your arms back to the starting position. The key here is keeping the arms straight and elbows locked through the entire movement to engage your lats and shoulders (c). Repeat for 3 sets of 5 reps, with 30-60 seconds of rest between sets.
Beginner modification: Move the arms only halfway so that they are even with your shoulders and then return to the original starting position.


Image result for back bridge

Bridges (lay down flat on back, have knees bent pivot waist to sky 10 times) 3 sets



Dolphin Kicks: How to: Position yourself face down on a bench so that the crease of your hip is at the end of the bench. Your feet should be resting on the ground with your hands firmly engaged on the underside of the bench for support (a). Straighten out your legs while raising them up while engaging your abdominals, glutes, hips and spinal erectors in your low back. Your toes should be pointed away from your body and above your head at the top of the movement (b). Hold this static position for 5 seconds by firmly engaging nearly every muscle in your body, before dropping the feet slightly below the bench and contracting again for 4 additional reps (c). Repeat for 3 sets of 5 reps, with 30-60 seconds of rest between sets.
Beginner modification: Move the hips slightly further up the bench so the trunk is better supported.

5 sets of towel curls (Wrap towel around foot and with both hands try to pull your leg up while your leg is forcing you to try harder, this should tighten the biceps) 10 reps

Image result for towel curls

Kick butt and take names!

After you workout you should eat a lean protein and simple carb shake that will help your muscles grow and recover. I suggest the post workout stack from 1st Phorm. You can purchase and read more about it here and receive free shipping:

Dustin/Christina Holston

Personal Trainer/Sports Nutritionist

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